Saturday, October 22, 2011

Will MeeGo Work on My Netbook? [ MeeGo Netbook FAQ ]

MeeGo Download

MeeGo 1.0 currently requires:
  • CPU: 32 bit Intel Atom or Intel Core 2 CPU (support for SSSE3)
    • Note: MeeGo will not work on non-SSSE3 CPUs
  • A compatible Intel graphics chipset. GMA-500, Nvidia, and ATI chipsets are not supported. See User:Vgrade for GMA500 instructions.
Note: Additional hardware configurations will be supported in updates / future revisions. See below for an explanation of why MeeGo doesn't run on your hardware.
We have a list of netbooks that are officially supported and that other users have been testing.
We recommend that you fully test MeeGo without disrupting your existing operating system by running it directly off of a thumb as described in the install guide.
Note: You may still find that some wireless cards or other components in your netbook are not be supported in this 1.0 release. Please report any issues in the netbook section of the forum, and we'll try to get them fixed as soon as possible.

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